About The Sunnyside

Committed to Helping You Succeed in Love

Founder of The Sunnyside, Emma Mankey Hidem, with her partner on a trip to Asheville, NC.

The Sunnyside strives to help any and all people improve their dating and love lives. We welcome adults of any race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc.

We believe dating should be fun and efficient.

We believe in healthy communication instead of playing games.

We believe in self-reflection and growth because the only person you can change is yourself.

We believe in healing from past trauma and letting go of baggage so you can approach new relationships - romantic or otherwise - as your best self.

If these things sound good to you, consider joining us on The Sunnyside by signing up for our Break the Pattern Bootcamp!

Our history

Founder Emma Mankey Hidem is a media producer specializing in video and virtual reality. She was one of the earliest people to shoot 360° video (2013) and she started Sunnyside VR in 2015, when VR was barely a glimmer in most people's eyes. She has worked on projects all over the world and spoken about VR at dozens of events and film festivals across the US.

Enter 2020, and The Sunnyside was born out of the covid-19 pandemic because when all of her production work halted, Emma knew she had to pivot.

After hearing many of her friends complain that the only way to meet new people was on dating apps, Emma decided to start The Game Show of Love, a live interactive dating game show that took place over Zoom for the first two seasons.

Out of The Game Show of Love, a community formed and Emma found herself in the surprising role of managing a dating-related community. As she dove further and further into the dating space, she realized how much bad advice was out there and that she needed to step up to counteract that.

Fast forward to 2023 and now Emma is a dating expert, a virtual event expert, and still a media producer. So Emma rebranded her company "The Sunnyside" to better encompass the many different things she does.

© Sunnyside Productions, LLC - All Rights Reserved
